Q: How does the Ambulatory Care certificate program compare to the Collaborative Practice Agreement certificate program?
- The Collaborative Practice Agreement training program meets the requirements outlined by the State of Florida for pharmacists who wish to enter into a collaborative practice agreement with a supervising physician. Health conditions covered in this program include those pharmacists are allowed to manage according to the Florida law plus incorporates elements of the Florida rules and regulations for establishing a collaborative practice agreement, business principles necessary to assist with development of a practice site, and guidance on drafting a collaborative practice agreement protocol. In addition, this program contains a self-study portion as well as a live, interactive portion to meet Florida law requirements.
- The Ambulatory Care certificate training program is designed as a resource to help prepare the pharmacist provide patient-centered care in a wide variety of ambulatory care settings with the goal of improving patient outcomes. It is also designed to serve as a starting point to help the pharmacist prepare for the Ambulatory Care board certification exam. The health conditions covered may include those covered in the Collaborative Practice Agreement training program; however, additional disease states are included that are not covered. This program is self-paced and fully online.
- Some of the content may overlap between the programs; however, they are structured differently and the content overall is different.