Preceptor Support

1.0 or 1.5 General contact hours

Preceptor Challenges

This program is a create your own adventure CE program designed for preceptors. The program provides preceptors with general advice on how to manage common struggles they may have. Preceptors can then select up to 4 other topics, based on contact hours, related to struggles they may experience with learners. Using a case-based approach, the program provides information on navigating the selected struggles.


Critical Thinking and Clinical Reasoning in Experiential Education

This program is intended for preceptors and other individuals involved in teaching pharmacy learners. During this program we will define critical thinking and clinical reasoning and describe the role of experiential education in the development of a learner’s critical thinking and clinical reasoning​. We will identify challenges that preceptors and learners encounter related to the teaching and learning of clinical reasoning​. Additionally, we will provide preceptors with strategies for teaching clinical reasoning and help them develop a plan to maximize learner development of clinical reasoning during the limited time that they have with their learner.


HCA Preceptor Challenges

The purpose of this course is to provide pharmacist preceptors resources and support for both new and experienced preceptors of learners from all levels.
Preceptors can face many different challenges during the training process. This course will explore some of those challenges, review ways to mitigate and set
preceptors up for success.