Ambulatory Care Certificate Program (1st Edition)

This course is approved by the Florida Board of Pharmacy for 30.0 general recertification hours.

Ambulatory Care Banner with text

Program Details

  • Intended Audience: Pharmacists who have or want to prepare for the responsibility of ambulatory care needs.
  • Universal Activity Number: 0012-0000-23-003-H01-P
  • Certificate Program Number: 0012-23-002-CP
  • Contact Hours: 30.0 General hours of ACPE continuing education for pharmacists
  • Program Fees: 
    • Regular Registration: $549.00
    • UF Preceptor/Career Coach: $449.00
    • UF COP Faculty: $425.00
  • Activity Type: Practice/Certificate Program
  • UAN Release Date: 02/09/2023
  • UAN Expiration Date: 02/09/2026
  • Program Support: No outside financial support was provided.
  • Time to Complete: All coursework must be completed within 16 weeks from the date of registration or before date of UAN expiration, 02/09/2026, whichever comes first. This course will no longer be eligible for CE credit after 02/09/2026.


This certificate training program is designed as a resource to help prepare the pharmacist for the responsibility of providing patient-centered care in a wide variety of ambulatory care settings with the goal of improving patient outcomes. It is also designed to serve as a starting point to help the pharmacist prepare for the Board-Certified Ambulatory Care Pharmacists (BCACP) exam. This program will identify the role of the pharmacist in ambulatory care settings, explore the importance of incorporating evidence-based practice into patient care, and review the treatment and management of various health conditions managed in the ambulatory care setting.

Program Objectives

At the completion of this activity, the participant will be able to:

  1. Explain the role of an ambulatory care pharmacist in the patient-centered care process.
  2. Describe the importance of incorporating evidence-based practice into patient care.
  3. Assess patient-specific information to create an individualized care plan including appropriateness, efficacy, and safety for drug therapy and lifestyle modifications for the treatment and management of various health conditions commonly managed in the ambulatory care setting.
  4. Implement strategies or systems to support efficient communication and documentation with patients and providers in the ambulatory care setting.
  5. Construct successful business models for collaborative practice in order to establish ambulatory care clinical services.
  6. Summarize various continuous quality improvement processes for ambulatory care pharmacy practice.

Program Overview

Module 1: Introduction and Overview of Ambulatory Care

The educational material will review the pharmacist’s role in the ambulatory care setting. Program content will also define ambulatory care as it pertains to pharmacists and review how to effectively collect accurate and pertinent patient information by using the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process.

Module 2: Evidence-Based Practice in the Ambulatory Care Setting

The educational material will explore the importance of incorporating evidence-based practice into patient care. Quality metrics and common sources of literature relevant to the ambulatory care setting will also be reviewed.

Module 3: Treating and Managing Diseases and Health Conditions Focus on Cardiology

The educational material will review the treatment and management of various cardiology health conditions that are commonly managed in the ambulatory care setting. Learners will have the opportunity to apply the content learned to develop patient-specific individualized treatment plans in the context of the disease states reviewed.

Module 4: Treating and Managing Diseases and Health Conditions Focus on Endocrinology and Bone Health

The educational material will review the treatment and management of various endocrinology and bone health conditions that are commonly managed in the ambulatory care setting. Learners will have the opportunity to apply the content learned to develop patient-specific individualized treatment plans in the context of the disease states reviewed.

Module 5: Treating and Managing Diseases and Health Conditions Focus on Pulmonary Diseases

The educational material will review the treatment and management of various pulmonary diseases that are commonly managed in the ambulatory care setting. Learners will have the opportunity to apply the content learned to develop patient-specific individualized treatment plans in the context of the disease states reviewed.

Module 6: Treating and Managing Diseases and Health Conditions Focus on Genitourinary Diseases

The educational material will review the treatment and management of various genitourinary disease states that are commonly managed in the ambulatory care setting. Learners will have the opportunity to apply the content learned to develop patient-specific individualized treatment plans in the context of the disease states reviewed.

Module 7: Treating and Managing Diseases and Health Conditions Focus on Infectious Diseases

The educational material will review the treatment and management of various infectious diseases that are commonly managed in the ambulatory care setting. Learners will have the opportunity to apply the content learned to develop patient-specific individualized treatment plans in the context of the disease states reviewed. 

Module 8: Establishing and Advancing Ambulatory Care Practice

The educational material will explore strategies to establish and advance ambulatory care services into clinical practice. Program content will also explore successful business models and the importance of continuous quality improvement.

Requirements for Successful Course Completion

In order to earn credit for this course, participants must complete all course case studies and quizzes with a score of 70% or higher. Two chances to pass each quiz/assessment will be given. If a passing score is not earned by the second attempt, the participant must re-enroll in the course. Upon successful completion of all coursework, participants must complete a course evaluation form.

Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be awarded a certificate of completion.

Course Access

To access your course after enrollment, please click the link below.

Click the blue “Log in to Continuing Education” button and enter your login credentials. You should then see your course on the Canvas dashboard or by clicking Courses>All Courses.

Disclosure Statement

The following speakers, reviewers, and planning committee members have disclosed that he/she has no relevant financial disclosures. No one else in a position to control content has any financial relationships to disclose.

Advisory Board

Lorraine Mobley, RPh, CPh, BCGPS

Q: How does the Ambulatory Care certificate program compare to the Collaborative Practice Agreement certificate program?

  • The Collaborative Practice Agreement training program meets the requirements outlined by the State of Florida for pharmacists who wish to enter into a collaborative practice agreement with a supervising physician. Health conditions covered in this program include those pharmacists are allowed to manage according to the Florida law plus incorporates elements of the Florida rules and regulations for establishing a collaborative practice agreement, business principles necessary to assist with development of a practice site, and guidance on drafting a collaborative practice agreement protocol. In addition, this program contains a self-study portion as well as a live, interactive portion to meet Florida law requirements.
  • The Ambulatory Care certificate training program is designed as a resource to help prepare the pharmacist provide patient-centered care in a wide variety of ambulatory care settings with the goal of improving patient outcomes. It is also designed to serve as a starting point to help the pharmacist prepare for the Ambulatory Care board certification exam. The health conditions covered may include those covered in the Collaborative Practice Agreement training program; however, additional disease states are included that are not covered. This program is self-paced and fully online.
  • Some of the content may overlap between the programs; however, they are structured differently and the content overall is different.

Please see the Ambulatory Care FAQ for more information.

Additional Resources

Please review the resources below before registering for the course.

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The University of Florida College of Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.